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Jamespot - Jitsi for Jamespot

Jitsi for Jamespot


Discover Jitsi for Jamespot, the secure and ergonomic videoconferencing solution ideal for keeping in touch with your collaborators wherever you are !

About Jitsi for Jamespot

Discover Jitsi for Jamespot, the secure and ergonomic videoconferencing solution ideal for keeping in touch with your collaborators wherever you are !


Videoconferencing now indispensable


Once seen as a secondary communication option, videoconferencing is now seen as an indispensable tool in the life of an organization. Replacing many physical meetings and travel, in addition to allowing more and more teleworking, videoconferencing encourages teamwork and document sharing, regardless of the geographical disparities of each employee.


Jamespot welcomes the Jitsi solution into its large family of applications so that you can always keep in touch with your employees regardless of the circumstances and structure of your organization.




Jitsi : security, simplicity, community


Completely secure and easy to use, Jitsi allows you to launch a conference with the collaborator of your choice in one-to-one! Need to consult with your team ? No problem, Jitsi gives you the possibility to invite several collaborators in the same discussion room, up to 10 people. With the discussion chat available for sending messages and documents, the option of background blurring for more peace of mind and screen sharing that can be activated with a click, remote conferencing has never been easier !



  • Conference up to 10 people 
  • Discussion chat 
  • Screen sharing
  • Background blurring