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Jamespot - Documentary base

Documentary base


Give the key documents to all your collaborators within a shared documentary base.

About Documentary base

Quit wasting time looking for your documents, the documentary base is the space dedicated to the storage and ranking of your documents.


Manage documents on your documentary space


Every group of the enterprise social network Jamespot has a documentary base on which documents are stored and classified.

The documentary base offers you an easy management of your documents with a modern design. The uncluttered interface allows you to create several levels of arborescence and to classify your documents in files and under files. The display of documents is readable in the form of lists or of icons, and the display of the contents of documents is accessible in pop-up mode. Associate keywords with documents to easily find them later by means of the search engine.



Create the tree structure of your dreams with Jamespot


Work in collaboration on documents


The documentary base allows to gather within the same workspace, the collaborators and all the documents necessary for the project’s progress. The collaborators can download documents and modify them in a collaborative way to create new versions of documents.


Upload and share your documents in one click on Jamespot


Features :


✨ Jamespot helps you manage your documents thanks to its design and uncluttered documentary space.

✨ Create several levels of arborescence to organize and classify your documents.

✨ Visualize documents in the form of list or in the form of icons.

✨ Download documents, modify in a collaborative way and add new versions.

✨ Use the search engine to find easily your documents with the associated keywords.