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Jamespot - Innovation idea
Jamespot - Innovation idea
1 $ / user / month

Innovation idea


Involving your employees in the innovation of your organization has never been easier

About Innovation idea

Do you want to develop innovation within your organization? With the Innovation Idea application, make your Jamespot platform the place where innovation is an engine for growth.

Turn ideas into projects

With the Innovation Idea application, let your employees' ideas run wild.


Each user can propose his ideas to the members of one or more groups by specifying the target of the idea (internal, partners and subcontractors, customers, prospects, others...). The workflow is editable by the platform administrator via the application manager, which means that you can set up reports that correspond to your organisation and processes.


In addition, some pre-configured reports display suggested actions via specific buttons. For example, the "pending" report suggests the creation of a survey, while the "project" report suggests the creation of an action plan.


Good practice: creating a group dedicated to innovation.


  • Post your ideas to your Jamespot enterprise social network
  • Choose the audience (groups) and the target (internal, partners...) of your ideas
  • Change the status of your ideas: new, pending, project, archived