Access to your news feed and interact on the wall
About Open Agora
With Open Agora, get an easy access to the latest news on everything that matters to your business : Videos, articles, files...
Your business, your personalized information
Infobesity, disparate information with no concern to your business is over.
Every user will enjoy his own newsfeed, regarding his projects/thematic groups and contacts. This process allow you to ensure the spread of the information.
Everyone get the right information, in the right place at the right time.
Engage the conversation and start collaborating : comment, publish and more directly on the wall.
✨ Personalized news feed per user
✨ Quick access to all the information (videos, articles, tasks...) within a clic
✨ Access to all your groups
✨ Customisation of the right and left side (shortcuts, last likes on the network, latest hot news...)