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Jamespot - Customized social actions

Customized social actions

Customize your platform with your own social actions.

About Customized social actions

Today, the use of social actions is clearly anchored in our daily lives. That is why, in addition to the traditional reactions (I like, approve and recommend), Jamespot offers you the possibility to create your own social actions.


Why personalize your social actions?


Personalization is a key element in the appropriation of the platform by your users. Logo, colors, blocks, resources... Jamespot offers many customizations ?‍?


This is why it seemed logical to us to allow you to create your own social actions.


How to choose your social action?


It all depends on the culture of your organisation ?


Choose a social action that is simple, identifiable and conveys positive value: I love it, great, super, bravo, etc.


Don't hesitate to replace one action by another to test the craze! But beware, to keep your statistics, you should replace the action, not delete the action to create a new one ?



To go further, you should know that the Jamespot search engine indexes these actions in real time. You will therefore be able to search by including social actions. For example: "I'm looking for all the most approved idea proposals from last month".



  • Customize your social actions
  • Change the order in which your social actions are displayed
  • Search your content according to social actions