Share links easily and to whomever you want !
About Link
Share links easily and to whomever you want!
Sharing in a few clicks
Share links easily and to whomever you want! The Link feature gives you the ability to share any link to the audience of your choice in just a few clicks. Want to share the last article you read with one of your collaborators? Nothing could be simpler: just copy and paste the URL of the article into the dedicated bar, select the audience that will have access to it and that's it !
Watch : a strategic challenge
The Link functionality is particularly useful in a business intelligence dimension. Preventing risks is fundamental for the future of any organization, but information is not collected in the same way for each individual: through Linkage, you share and circulate information at the level of a group or the entire organization. This ensures that everyone is gathering the right information and is ready in all circumstances to prepare for the future in the best possible way.
✨ Link Sharing
✨ Adding a title to the publication
✨ Inclusion of ancillary elements in the body of the article (images, videos, attachments, links)
✨ Possibility to program the date and time of publication of the link
✨ Choice of the audience