Jamespot store

Jamespot - Companies database

Companies database


Access the database of the companies displayed on your platform.

About Companies database

Access the database of the companies displayed on your platform.


All the informations on hand


Each company card allows you to enter a maximum of informations on the company described : the contact details, year of foundation, the total workforce, the activity field, but also to identify its members from your platform.


Advanced options


On top of the basic company informations, the cards within the database allows you to attach presentation videos and its website. The advanced search tool allows to geo-localize the companies in a precise location, and to locate them on a map according to their proximity. These functions will greatly ease your day-to-day usage.



  • Access the companies informations within your platform
  • Make an advanced research in the app
  • Localize the companies in a given area on a map