Jamespot store

Jamespot - Contacts


The entire directory of members of the collaborative platform in one click.

About Contacts

Take advantage of the contact directory to facilitate the networking of collaborators and the creation of value-creating synergies. Simple to identify members, create links, encourage exchanges and improve performance. 


Simple access to all members of the platform 


Your members will be able to easily :


  • Find and contact a user instantly;
  • Find talent in a few clicks;
  • Move forward on their projects even faster.


But that's not all, a map view allows you to see at a glance the location of your users anywhere in the world 🗺️.


Moreover, you can also add your business contacts (suppliers, customers, partners ...) directly within the directory by activating the eponymous application.





✨ List of user's contacts.

✨ List of platform members.

✨ Simplified profile sheet.

✨ Redirection to the user's complete profile record.

✨ Write an internal mailbox or start a videoconference from the user profile.

✨ List of business contacts.

✨ Geolocalized view - Location of platform members.

✨ Several configurable views (Alphabetical, table, grid...).

✨ Dedicated search with customizable filters.