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Jamespot - Flash info

Flash info


Emphasize the information not to go unnoticed within your enterprise social network.

About Flash info

Find last flash information on the front page of your enterprise social network Jamespot. Flash information allows you to emphasize the information not to go unnoticed within your enterprise social network.

Pin an information on the front page of your platform

Due to its features and its uncluttered design, the Flash application information allows you to put forward an information (ex: an article, an event, a document, etc.) by pinning it at the top of the homepage of the enterprise social network.


The user will get the news as soon as he will connect on the platform, to guarantee the communicators an excellent reading rate . 

Customize your Flash information in space and time

Customize your Flash information according to your needs. You can select so freely the audience of your Flash information and define its duration of distribution.


It will be also possible for you to include in the Flash information a button of call to action towards an internal or external link in the platform.


Once users informed, they will  have the possibility of masking the announcement of their homepage.


Since 2017, the Flash information is simultaneously broadcast on the homepage of the Enterprise social network and on the homepage of Smart place.



  • Write a  message and pin it directly at the top of the homepage of the enterprise social network.
  • Add according to your need a button of call to action inviting the collaborators to consult the information.
  • Target the audience by pinning an information about the wall of news of a person, a group or several groups.
  • Parametrize the duration of publication of the Flash information.