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Jamespot - Goals



Share the objectives with your team and follow their realization.

About Goals

Offer your collaborators a simple and clear idea of the goals to achieve and obtain the real time reporting of the evolution of the results.


Create and broadcast the goals to your team in a few clicks 

Easily customizable, you will be able to broadcast the goals to your team.


The collaborators will be warned in real time on the Enterprise social network with a notification and by email.



Uses of project management


The application Goals joins an approach of project management. You can connect your goals to action plans and tasks to be realized.


Completely integrated into your collaborative platform, the information is centralized and available for all the collaborators to pilot effectively your projects!

  • Create your objectives directly from the application or the post button.

  • Display of the aimed and real results.

  • Sample  characterizing of the period of analysis (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly).
  • Status of the objective (current, ended, abandoned, failure).

  • Addition of a plan of action and tasks.

  • Comments, social actions.

  • Extraction of the results.