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Jamespot - Large Network Animation

Large Network Animation


Make your communities live on a daily basis on Jamespot

About Large Network Animation

Managing a network of several thousand users is a real challenge every day. With the Large Network Animation application, create and animate large communities directly on your Jamespot platform.


Manage your users in the right communities:


It's a fact, you can't manage a platform with thousands of users and a platform with a few hundred users in the same way. Administration, moderation and animation, everything on these platforms is done on a large scale!
With the Large Network Animation application, Jamespot gives you the ability to create large communities with their own management rules and groups in a few clicks, all directly on your platform.
Can you imagine mini Jamespot platforms within your Jamespot platform? It is now possible with Large Network Animation.



Simplify your users' experience while giving your moderators more powerful management tools.


Communities composed of groups and users:


You are an administrator of a Jamespot platform with several thousands of users? Don't wait any longer! Activate the Large Network Animation application and segment your network into autonomous communities.
Each user will then be a member of one or more communities and will be able to access all the information specific to the communities of which he is a member (groups, directories, calendars, document banks, etc.).



A community is a collection of groups and users.


A new role to facilitate the animation:


Because at Jamespot we believe that collaboration is at the heart of your organization, we have created a new role to help your administrators: the moderator.
This delegated role has intermediate rights: it manages users, groups and content of its community without going through the general administration of the platform. Management and animation are decentralized, everything is simpler and more fluid, an asset for the success of a platform that brings together a very large number of users!



The moderator is the key to the application. It allows you to set up a decentralized animation.



The creation of large communities
✨ The nomination of community moderators
✨ Adding members to communities
✨ Attaching groups to communities
✨ Managing the visibility of members of different communities among themselves