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Jamespot - Visio Connect

Visio Connect

Launch secure and flexible videoconference meetings with the whole team

About Visio Connect

Videoconferencing has become an essential tool for effective collaboration, especially when teams work in a hybrid or remote setup (teleworking, multiple sites, etc.). It enables one-on-one meetings, team check-ins, webinars, and even casual breaks to maintain connections between colleagues. This tool is vital for fostering communication and strengthening team cohesion, regardless of the distance.


With Jamespot, enjoy an integrated and secure videoconferencing system hosted directly in France through the Open Source solution Jitsi. This feature allows you to conduct videoconferences without leaving your platform, ensuring data confidentiality. It’s available for events, meetings, and messenger conversations, accommodating between 20 to 50 participants depending on connection speeds. Benefit from precise indicators for optimized management of your videoconferences.