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Jamespot - Document
Jamespot - Document
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Share the documents of your choice within your organization !

About Document

Share the documents of your choice within your organization! Thanks to the document functionality of Quick Publish, sharing documents with your employees has never been easier or faster !


Your documents, your selection


You need to send a document to one of your employees as soon as possible but it is much too large to be sent by e-mail? The document functionality is precisely there to help you in this kind of situation: choose the document(s) you want to transmit, whatever they are and whether they come from your computer or from the cloud, give a title to your publication, choose the person(s) who will have access to said documents and voila! You even have the possibility to comment your publication by adding the content of your choice (text, images, videos).




✨ Sharing one or more documents

✨ Ability to choose documents directly from the computer or from the cloud

✨ Adding content to the publication (images, videos, links etc.)

✨ Possibility to set the date and time of publication of the document

✨ Choice of the audience