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Jamespot - My Jamespot

My Jamespot


Connect all your Jamespot platforms and navigate between them very simply ?

About My Jamespot

Today, more and more of you are part of at least two Jamespot platforms.  Based on this observation, we decided to launch a brand new service: My Jamespot.


Concretely, My Jamespot is a dedicated space to Jamespot users. In a few clicks, declare and connect all your Jamespot platforms and navigate from one to the other with ease!


Connect all your platforms in less than 2 minutes


The use of My Jamespot is extremely simple:

🚀 Go to the My Jamespot website*

🚀 Enter the url of your platform

🚀 Fill in your login and password

🚀 And start again for each of your platforms ?


In less than 2 minutes, you will have successfully connected all your platforms and you can start navigating from one to the other without difficulty!


And for those of you who are stunned, we offer a help system that will allow you to find all the platforms attached to an email address ?.


Check out the latest Jamespot announcements with Flash News


Another new feature proposed by the My Jamespot: the Jamespot Flash News! The Flash News will allow our team to communicate in a punctual way short announcements about new products, Jamespot Academy trainings or upcoming events (Jamespot Day, Conferences, etc).




✨ Declare and connect all your Jamespot platforms

✨ Navigate easily from one platform to another

✨ Find all the platforms linked to an email address

✨ Check out the latest Jamespot news with Jamespot Flash News